A HUGE thank you goes out to all of the Wheeler Elementary Students who helped plan, advertise, and volunteer for last week's snack food collection. Your community service project was a great success, and we are so grateful for you! With the help of their student council coordinator, Carmelita Weakley, students set up collection boxes inside the school for the bus riders AND collected donations from Wheeler families during the afternoon car rider pickup.

The children sorted snack donations into piles and got busy taking inventory together. The older kids paired up to get item totals using multiplication, and the younger kids counted small piles of individual items one-by-one. The kids were resourceful and used a paper bag that had previously contained donations for recording their totals.

The group collected a total of 2,048 snack items in total. AWESOME job, Wheeler! Thank you so much for your continued support. We love that you love Snacks in Sacks as much as we do. All of the donations received will go to benefit the homeless and food insecure individuals in our area. Ahrens will start assembling bags this week containing these very items for our Street Reach group to distribute where they are needed. Thank you for leading by example!